Monday 1 October 2007


Fem sabo!!

A mes a mes de fer de "teacher", paparazzi i secre, aqui a Allahabad he apres a fer sabo casola. El proces es senzill pero una mica perillos. Es interessant de probar i totalment recomanable, pero cal prendre algunes precaucions. La sosa caustica no es de fiar, mes val tenir-li respecte. A continuacio teniu parell de receptes senzilles per familiaritzar-vos amb el proces. No he posat les quantitats, si voleu mes informacio us recomano consultar les fonts que adjunto al final.

Fem Sabo
Greix animal (o qualsevol oli vegetal)
Sosa caustica
  1. Desfer el greix per separar-lo de qualsevol resta de carn o fibra.
  2. Fer servir nomes el greix pur. Descartar la resta.
  3. Preparar l'aigua, la sosa, el greix desfet o l'oli i una llauna gran d'estany.
  4. Treballar a fora amb guants i mascareta, els fums que emet la sosa caustica son molt toxics. Abocar la sosa caustica a la llauna i afegir l'aigua. Afegir l'aigua a la sosa, i no al reves.
  5. Remoure la barreja amb un pal de fusta fins que la sosa estigui completament disolta. Pujara la temperatura a la llauna per la reaccio quimica. Anar amb compte, evitar que la barreja toqui la pell o la roba.
  6. Deixar que la sosa es refredi. Mentre es refreda es poden preparar els motlles. Afegir el greix o l'oli. Abocar-ho lentament, no tot a la vegada.
  7. Remoure mentre s'aboca. Despres barrejar fins que esdevingui espes, durant uns 20 minuts o mitja hora. Si es triga mes els ingredients eren probablement massa calents. Cal anar amb compte de no respirar els fums toxics durant el proces.
  8. Abocar la barreja ja mes espessa al motlle. Vigilar amb el material dels motlles, alguns materials reaccionen en contacte amb la sosa. Millor si son d'acer inoxidable.
  9. El sabo esdeve estable en una o dues hores, pero sera completament dur al cap de 24 hores. Aleshores es pot tallar en barres.

Sabo d'oli de mostassa
Mustard oil soap
09/07, Allahabad, India

Let's make soap!

Appart from being a teacher, paparazzi and secretary, here in Allahabad I learned how to make homemade soap. The process is easy but a little bit dangerous. It's interesting to try and I totally recommend it, although you must be careful. Caustic sosa is not to be trusted, better be respecful. Here you have a simple recipe to become familiar with the process. I didn't write the amounts. If you want more information you can look in the resource list below.

Let's make soap

Animal fat (ex. Clean tallow)
Caustic soda or lye

  1. Melt the fat to separate it from any remaining flesh or fiber.
  2. Use only the clear melted fat. You will need 3 Kg. Discard the rest.
  3. Prepare 0.87 L of water, 450 g of caustic soda, 3 Kg of melted tallow and a large tin can.
  4. Work outdoors and wear rubber globes. Pour 450 g of caustic soda, lye, into a large tin can. Add the water (0.87 L). Be sure to add the water to the caustic soda, not the other way round.
  5. Stir with a wooden stick until the lye is completely dissolved. It will get hot from the chemical reaction. Be careful not to get this lye and water on your skin or clothing.
  6. Let the lye cool to go for the next step. While it is cooling you can prepare your molds. Now add 3 Kg of clean melted tallow. Pour it slowly, not all at once.
  7. Stir while you are pouring. Stir until it becomes thick. This may take from 20 minutes to half an hour. If it takes longer your ingredients were probably too hot when you began. Be careful with the toxic fumes, not to breath any of them. A squared can be difficult to stir in. A round tin is easier.
  8. Pour the thicken stuff into the mould. Be careful with the material of your moulds. Some materials react when they are in contact with caustic soda. Its's better to use stainless steel moulds.
  9. The soap will set up in 1 to 2 hours, but it will be completely hard in 24 hours. Then you can cut it into bars.

. Teach Soap
. TLC Soaps

. Soap Making

. Soap making basics in

Dixit: "Please wear these gloves and mask..." "Is this cheese?"

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