Monday 11 August 2008

Fent el pagès

A vegades tinc el plaer d'anar al camp a tirar fotos i fer una mica el pagès. El dia que vaig tirar aquesta foto estàvem recollint patates i preparant la terra per les pastanagues. Els meus coneixements d'agricultura són nuls, per això cada vegada que surto al camp es una nova aentura. Per cert, els contenedors de colors acaben recollint els vegetals que després em toca rentar i emmagatzemar a la cuina.

Sometimes I have the pleasure to join the people who work in crops and vegetables. The day I took this picture we were harvesting potatoes and preparing the soild for carrot sowing. My knowledge of farming is really poor, that's why every time at the field is an adventure. By the way, the colorful containers always end behing the kitchen, where I must wash and store them.

Treballant la terra
Field work

Nishinasuno, Japó
07 / 08

Listening - The Beatles - Across the Universe

Saturday 2 August 2008


Cada nova experiència té els seus reptes. Però n'hi ha alguns que es repeteixen. He fet unes quantes truites des que vaig començar a voltar. Puc dir que les primeres no van ser un desastre gràcies a altres espanyols que en sabien més que jo. He intentat fer truites decents a la República Txeca, Polonia, Japó, Alemanya i Austria, que jo recordi. I aquesta, senyores i senyors, es la millor. En realitat varen ser set truites, sis per cada una de les taules més una de regal. Vaig patir però va valer la pena. I la propera vegada, paella?

Each new experience has its challenges. But there are some which always come back. I have done a few omelettes since I started traveling. I can say that the first ones were not a disaster thanks to other spanish who knew much more than me. I have tried to cook spanish tortilla in the Czeck Republic, Poland, Japan, Germany and Japan. And this, ladies and gentlemen, is the best one. Well, actualy I cooked seven omelettes, one for each of the six tables and an extra one. It was worth it. What's next, paella?

Listening: Random kitchen Cd's