Wednesday 23 July 2008


La meva segona estada al Asian Rural Insitute (ARI d'ara en endavant pels nouvinguts i despistats) acaba de començar. Bé, fa dues setmanes i poc que va començar però encara que soni a excusa no he tingut temps d'escriure. Però si de tirar fotos!

Anem al gra: torno a treballar a la cuina, on basicament miro de fer totes les amanides que puc i ajudar amb les sopes, arròs, currys, etc. El que més trobo a faltar es la fruita barata de casa perque aquí no en produim. Bueno, l'altre dia em varem poder collir els nespres del arbre que hi ha just davant de koinonia, però no crec que aparegui cap més arbre fruiter pels voltants així de sobte per alegrar-me el dia. Durant el foodlife work (dos cops al dia de 7 a 8 i de 17 a 18) estic també entre els fogons. Però a partir de l'agost estaré entre gallines i algún gall. Així doncs, passaré de cuinera a recolectora d'ous. Ja us explicaré que tal.

Segur que em deixo moltes coses però per avui ja n'hi ha prou. Ha sigut un dia moooolt llarg, no sabeu com. Espero comentaris, preguntes i el que se us ocurreixi. Feeeedback onegai shimasu!

El vell camí de l'aigua
Nishinasuno, Japó, 07/08

My second stay at the Asian Rural Insitute (ARI from now on for newcomers and abstentminded). It started more than two weeks ago and although it may sound as an excuse I didn´t have time to write until now. But I did take pictures!

Let's stick to the point: I am again working in the kitchen, where I basically try to make all the salads I can and help cooking soups, rice, curry, etc. What I mostly miss is fruit at a reasonable price, because here we don't produce any. The other day we managed to harvest some of the "biwa" (sorry, nobody knows the english name) from the tree in front of koinonia, but I don't think there's going to be any other tree full of fruits appearing soon. During foodlife work (two times a day from 7 to 8 and 17 to 18) I am also giving a hand in the kitchen. But on august I will start helping in chicken section. I will tell you more then.

Sure I am forgetting a lot of things, but for today it will have to be enough. It's been a loooong day, you cannot imagine. I will be waiting your comments, questiongs and whatever you want to say. Feed back onegai shimasu!

Listening: Paco Ibañez - Antonia (Bulería por soleà)

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